Bid Opportunities and Awards 





ITB No.13-101 Adulticide and Larvicide (Results)

ITB No.23-103 Automotive Fuel and Diesel (Results)

ITB-24-101 Adulticide and Larvicide Chemicals

RFP 2024-00 LCMCD Chiller Replacement Project 01-30-2024

2023-J-108 – LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – ADDENDUM 1 (1)

LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – Addendum #1 – NARRATIVE

LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – Addendum #2 – NARRATIVE

2023-J-108 – LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – ADDENDUM 2

2023-J-108 – LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – ADDENDUM 3 – ARCH

2023-J-108 – LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – ADDENDUM 3 – MECHANICAL

LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – Addendum #3 – NARRATIVE

ITB – JetFuelTanks (004) – Copy ITB – Fuel Tanker Trucks – 02-21-2024 (002)

ITB – Fuel Tanker Trucks – 02-21-2024 (002)

ITB – Metal Building – 02-28-2024

2023-J-108 – LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – ADDENDUM 4 – ARCH

2023-J-108 – LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – ADDENDUM 4 – MECHANICAL

LCMCD Chiller Upgrade – Addendum #4 – NARRATIVE

Storage bldg

RFP LCMCD Quad Building E Renovations 03-26-24

2023-J-135 – LCMCD Building E Renovation – Revision 1 – ARCH

2023-J-135 – LCMCD Building E Renovation – Revision 1 – MECH

LCMCD Building E Renovation – Addendum 1 – NARRATIVE

Building E RFP

LCMCD Building E Renovation – Bidding RFI #1 Responses

2023-J-135 – LCMCD Building E – Existing Plans – OneDrive (

2023-J-135 – LCMCD Building E Renovation – Rev 2 – ELECT SS

2023-J-135 – LCMCD Building E Renovation – Revision 2 – ARCH SS

LCMCD Building E Renovation – Addendum #2 – NARRATIVE

LCMCD Building E Renovation – Bidding RFI #2 Responses

LCMCD Building E Renovation – Addendum #3 – NARRATIVE