The Lee County Mosquito Control District (LCMCD) has explored the purchase of the Woodstock Airport on Pine Island from a private citizen, pending the rezoning of the property from Agricultural (AG-2) to Community Facilities (CF) use. A Hearing Examiner Meeting was held regarding this proposal on Thursday, October 19th, 2017, with a number of Pine Island residents in attendance. There were concerns expressed over the possibility of various future uses of the site under the proposed zoning change. The LCMCD has listened to those concerns. The Department of Community Development for Lee County has determined that changing the zoning to CF for that site is not necessary for the District to purchase and utilize the airport. Therefore, the LCMCD has decided to purchase the airport without the pursuit of a zoning change. The District will continue to provide the high level of service that the citizens of Pine Island and the neighboring communities expect and deserve.