Memorial Day Open House May 25

2015 Memorial Day Open House hand out

The Lee County Mosquito Control District (LCMCD) and Lee County Hyacinth Control District (LCHCD) are holding a Memorial Day Open House on May 25 from 9 AM to 2 PM. Please come to learn more about LCMCD; LCHCD;
the former Buckingham Army Airfield Flexible Gunnery School, that covered a large area of Fort Myers including the
LCMCD and LCHCD compound; Tice Fire and Rescue District and the South West Florida Military Museum Bus.

Events will include:

Tours of the Lee County Mosquito and Hyacinth Control District Headquarters
A static display of aircraft and equipment
A WWII video of Flexible Gunnery Training
Archival display of Buckingham Army Airfield
Display of Aquatic Systems/Mosquito Education programs and crafts
A discovery walk to learn where you might be raising your own mosquitoes around your home
Tice Fire and Rescue District Static Display with 2 Apparatus
The Southwest Florida Military Museum and Library Bus
Hotdogs and lemonade

All events are free. Walking is required to reach many of the open house events.