School Outreach

School Outreach

Mission Statement

To enhance the scientific and environmental literacy of the younger citizens of Lee County to augment their lifetime understanding of the science related to mosquito control.


The Lee County Mosquito Control District takes great pride in an educational program designed to teach our school age children about mosquitoes and the role that mosquito control plays in the local community. Our classroom programs are conducted in collaboration with classroom teachers. Programs are designed for grades five, seven, and high school chemistry and biology classes and support Florida’s Sunshine State Standards in a variety of areas. Films, readings, slide/PowerPoint programs, discussions, art activities and lab experiences are utilized to teach the objectives of each five-day unit. These hands-on learning experiences are being offered county-wide to public and private schools. Students learn to identify different kinds of mosquitoes, their habitats and life cycles, and are familiarized with the techniques currently being used to control mosquitoes. This is a learning experience many will never forget. In addition, instructors are active with local, state and national committees devoted to mosquito control and environmental education.

To visit the education website go to

To see a video of the Florida Gulf Coast University Interns teaching the “Misunderstood Mosquito” Program to Kindergarten students go to:

To see a video of the Lee County Mosquito Education high school biology lab go to: